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Posts tagged: Gluten-Free Science

Celiac Vaccine Closer than Ever

Celiac Vaccine Closer than Ever

The reality of a vaccine used to treat celiac disease has gotten even closer. Researchers working on a vaccine to protect those with celiac from gluten-exposure have successfully moved forward to the next round of clinical trials. 

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Could the Season You're Born in Influence your Risk for Celiac?

Could the Season You're Born in Influence your Risk for Celiac?

While more and more research is being done on celiac disease, there is still so much we don't know, and a lot of that pertains to risk factors.

Why do some people develop celiac while others don't? If someone is genetically predisposed for celiac, what influences whether or not they will develop the disease? What are the risk factors that influence who develops celiac? 


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New Technique Diagnoses Celiac Within Minutes

New Technique Diagnoses Celiac Within Minutes
Could diagnosing celiac now be as simple as a finger prick?
Researchers at the University of Grenada in Spain have developed a minimally invasive blood test for celiac disease. The test, a finger prick that works in conjunction with a testing strip, is similar in principle to the finger prick/test strip method used by diabetics to monitor glucose levels. 

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